At the heart of Christianity is not our souls, hell, heaven, the odd theology about when exactly the bread and wine become the body and blood. And Christianity has nothing to do with cannibalism. You haters.
At the heart of Christianity is the resurrection, a rebirth, life from death. I was dead, and I am reborn. I was blind, but now I see. That is the bottom line, but we humans have to muddy the water with questions like, “Did Jesus really come back to life?” We have been trained to seek scientific proof in realms where science is not the tool to use.
Oh, you bitches, I’m gonna kill you all with blogging about this stuff. You’ll be praying for me to go back to Ayn Rand. Which I have one more post to do. I won’t go into my full Karen Armstrong, A Case For God now, but all of this ties into that wonderful, life-changing book.
Remember in Dead Poet’s Society, where the textbook gives instructions on how to graph a poem? Using science on religion is exactly that. Stupid. So, did Jesus come back to life? It doesn’t matter. What matters is in the truth behind the facts. There is always hope, always good, always God in the world.
Which brings us to our newest messiah, Tim Tebow. Tebow changed the story of the Broncos this year, changed the narrative. We started the season with Kyle Orton, and it was just re-runs of last year. Yeah, this is the Happy Days where Richie nearly gets beaten up, but the Fonz saves him. Yeah, we’ve seen this before. Only as far as the Broncos went, this was where the bullies beat the hell out of Richie. Richie Cunnnigham. Of the Milwaukee Cunningham’s.
Our season was dead. We couldn’t win a game. We were cold with death. Death was everywhere. There were flies on the windscreen.
But lo, a voice is crying in the wilderness. Let despair not into your heart. There is hope. There is life. Roll away the stone. And Tim Tebow changed the story, and the Broncos started to win. And the narrative played itself out in game after game. We were losing. No way we could win. Down by ten points with two minutes to go? It’s impossible. We are dead. Turn off the T.V.
And yet, Tebow played out the resurrection and we won. In prol’ly ten years, we’ll have a T.V. movie about Tebow. Hope On Grass: The Tim Tebow Story. Um, prol’ly not that title, but you get my point.
In this season of Advent, in the Roman Catholic Church, it is a dark time, days are short, it’s cold, and yet, we celebrate the coming of the light, the hope of a new life, change when change seems impossible. In the darkness, in the cold, listen, for the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Which is just another way of saying, we don’t have to be scumbag losers forever. Even normal, troubled people like us can come from behind and win the big game. God bless you Tim Tebow, where ever you are.
I can not speak for or against yon Tim Tebow. In my fantasy football league my QB was Aaron “love my great arm” Rodgers. I was unhappy then they lost, but even good things reach their pause – notice I’m not saying end.
But, lo, sadness does not remain. As you mentioned there is hop. Tim Tebow in the case of this post. To him, I give a hardy nod.
I can’t stand Tim. But it’s the politics behind his brand of faith that bother me more than the man himself. Oh, and I wish he’d throw the damn ball more. But that’s beside the point.
I’ve been questioned on whether I believe Jesus actually came back to life. My response is always that it doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s what he did with his life that was so important. Good guy, Christ. And yanno. People’s names don’t just stick around for 2000 years without summat behind it, what.
Wow, football and religion. You’ve managed to combine two topics I know nothing about, and care nothing about. Congrats.
P.S. Don’t go back to Ayn Rand. Or if you do, combine her with football and religion and then I can really not have anything to say.
Um, have a Merry Superbowl? Is that right?