First, this is one of my favorite topics. Demons. Pure badassery. On wheels. With sexy smiles and rippling… ahem.
Secondly, before I talk demons, which I spend a lot of time with in my fiction, I thought I should clarify: I don’t actually believe in real demons. I believe in God, but demons, not so much. Ditto Satan and the whole fallen angel gig. I find it a little too convenient to blame our misguided actions on some demon’s influence. Convenience of belief reeks of human construct. So my demidemons are human-like (they’re half-human anyway) and if I were to get all lofty about a theme revolving around my demons and why they’re demons, it’d be Temptation.
We—humans, I mean (and dogs. and cats. especially cats) succumb to temptation all the time. Whether it’s that hot young thing in the booth over there or cheesecake or explaining to our boss the precise brand of idiot we think he is, or the rum or even running through the cartilage in our knees by the age of 35, we all have caved. And it’s easiest to say it was done under the influence of some demon or cosmic evil force. Even easier for some people to feel guilty about something that makes them feel good, especially if it appeals to our compulsive or impulsive natures.
It’s why I find it entertaining to play with demons in my fiction. They make mistakes and do all the naughty things regular people do, but they have no one to blame but themselves, and—this is key—they know they don’t. They are rash, manipulative, jealous, and far too attracted to the pleasures of flesh and wealth and whiskey for their own good. But since their culture accepts their own lesser qualities, it also forces them to accept the responsibilities thereof.
What a world that would be, eh? If we all accepted our own natures and took responsibility for the consequences of our actions…
Nah, never mind. What would we talk about on Facebook?
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At my house my dogs are much more susiptible to succumb to temptation than my scary cat! What us humans, especially the current generation, accept responsibilities for our actions?! No way, we need the demons to blame it on! *giggling*
Heh. I was being a little facetious about the cats. Ok, not really. Mine was very self indulgent. Like her mama.