Mondays Are Hell: Conversations at Gunpoint, or Demon Interviewers From Outer Space

Monday, April 30, 2012 I was interviewed and it was hard. A friend said an interview is “forced conversation”, and that’s what it felt like. Then again, it was my first time, and I didn’t quite know what to expect.

To listen to the interview, you can click here.

The interview starts with someone else, but you can skip ahead to get to the good part, namely, yours truly.

Now, I’m a talker. I learned conversation from the best. My lovely wife, who could talk to Satan, and he’d come away scratching his horns, thinking, “The girl was cool. But I probably shouldn’t have talked about my ‘God’ envy like that.”

However, in an interview, people are listening. A lot of people. And it’s not a two-sided give and take. It’s basically they say jump, and then you have to say something clever or funny.

Let me be clear, Bookmark Radio was a great experience and the hosts made it as comfortable as possible. But still, yikes, it was a little nerve-racking, I gotta’ say.

I guess, like I’ve posted before, I spend too much time caught up in the stupid drama of being me. I want to hear about your story. I want to hear your thoughts. Dude, I know what I’m thinking every single minute of every single day. But I don’t know what you are thinking. And I’m such a story addict. I want to talk to you to get at your story.

Interviews aren’t dialogue, but next time, maybe I should try and make it more of a dialogue. Ask questions back, that kind of thing.

People said I did well. You’ll have to listen and decide. At least my voice wasn’t all high and tight and strangled-sounding. I hate my nervous voice. It sounds like hamsters being squeezed to death in an empty toilet paper roll.

But thanks again to Bookmark Radio! If you are looking for a cool, easy way to hit the internet airwaves, give them a call!

Aaron’s Radio Debut – I’m not much but I’m all I think about

So, Monday, I am being interviewed on Bookmark Radio!  Yeah, Monday, April 30, 2012 at 4 p.m. mountain. I get to talk about me, my book, some more about me, and if you haven’t had enough, a little bit more of me.  Just click on the link above.  It’s an internet radio program, which is awesome!

In a way, given my nature, this is all rather unfortunate.  I mean, I’m naturally self-aborbed.  I know, real freakin’ shocker there.  Yes, I’m a solipsist.  Love that word.  But being self-centered has brought me lots of sorrow.

But in a sense, this is the normal, human condition.   Even the caretaker types have their own brand of self-centeredness.  It’s call co-dependence.  “I don’t want to think about me, so I’ll think about you, but it’s really about me.”

I believe that the natural progression in my life and the lives of the monkeys around me is to move from selfish desire to selfless service.  The older I get, the less I care about my own, stupid drama, and the more interested I am in the stupid drama of others.

But here I am, promoting myself, my book, me.  It can be a hard, lonely thing.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thrilled to be interviewed, at a real radio station, the big leagues, taking internet radio by storm, but still, really, me talking about me?  For an extended amount of time?  At least I’ve had practice.

One thing I’m learning, and believe me, it’s not been an easy lesson, is that The Never Prayer is less about me, and more about the universal power that story has in the lives of the people in the world.  If one person is moved, inspired, shaken by my book, doesn’t that justify the time and effort and energy I spent writing and selling it?

The politically correct answer is yes, yes it does.  I’m not so sure.  If I’m sacrificing time with my children and my wife, if other parts of my life are suffering, if I’m hurting others to write, what is the real good of that one person being affected by my writing?  I don’t know.  I try and juggle it all.  Lord, I do try.

Only time will tell if my work has been worth it.  So we’ll talk about that, good and evil, love and desire, demons and angels, on Monday, April 30, at 4 p.m. mountain.  Let the drama continue!