Sasha Summers, who is awesome, agreed to guest blog for me. She has two, count ’em, two books coming out. One about the softer side of Medusa from Crecent Moon Press, and the other about the lovey side of Hollywood. From Inkspell. Great titles, Medusa, A Love Story. And Hollywood Ever After. Learn more about her on her website. She is awesome ever after. God, I should delete that. Awesome ever after. But I can’t. I need a permanent editor on my shoulder.
Take it away Sasha!
Sasha writes:
The thing I adore about Greek Mythology (well it’s one of many things) is the sheer number of diabolical monsters, villains and, yes, demons. These delightful specters of doom wreak havoc on mortals, shades, and Olympians alike – they are equal offender bad guys. And, honestly, they know how to mix things up.
I bet you’ll be able to immediately identify the devilish demon in… Medusa, A Love Story. If you said Euryale and Stheno – high five. If you said Medusa, sigh, you obviously haven’t read my book yet… *sigh*
That’s okay, it hasn’t been released yet. But now I know you’ll run right out and pick up a copy.
Euryale and Stheno were Gorgons, like their sister Medusa. Whether or not they had the ability to turn man to stone, like Medusa, is debated. But one thing is sure: they were super nasty witches with seriously bad attitudes. I didn’t use this description in my novel, but this is how most sources describe them.
FYI, Gorgon means terrible or dreadful. But I think Demon is an apt description. What do you think?
If Aaron invites me back for more Greek Demon speak, we’ll talk about the Erinyes, winged demons that serve Hades in Tartarus. Or Cerberus, gate keeper to the Underworld. Or the half-snake woman Echidna, or Chimera…
Sasha’s website
Follow her on Twitter
And Pinterest
Thanks for letting me share my take on the demon-side of Ancient Greece. It was definitely a time (and place) full of super creepy things that went bump in the night!
Happy Monday!
LOVE that pic at the bottom. Suitably dark and terrifying. And I love me some demons.
My pleasure. I wonder how much it would cost to get snake implants for hair? When go bald completely, that’s what I’m doing.
I agree. That picture of Cerberus was awesome!
But if you got snake implants for hair, if you caught sight of yourself in the mirror, would you turn to stone?
Then you’d be right when you said people took you for granite.
And Sasha IS awesome ever after.
Oh, you admin you.
You crack me up Aaron :)!