So last Tuesday I posted a blog post about my sales numbers not being of the “fly off the shelf” variety and I got some wonderful comments from a bunch of wonderful people because the world is good and I am lucky.
True dat.
However, I gotta come clean. I measure success versus failure in extremes because I grew up watching WAAAAYYYY too much TV. I don’t have a good grasp on reality. If I don’t post numbers like Stephenie Meyer, I’m a failure. If my fans aren’t Harry Potter crazy for me and my books, I’m a failure. If I don’t move millions of women ala Fifty Shades of Grey, yeah, you guessed it, total failure.
My numbers are pretty good, but for me, complete failure. When I gost B+’s in school, I thought that was the end of the world. To be better than average sucks, because I wanna be perfect. I want to be a god among men. I want to be adored by the masses. I want a stalker. But would I be able to handle all the fame and fortune at this stage? Prolly not.
A friend of mine said that the more I struggle, the more grounded I’ll be when I do become rich and famous. Like George Clooney.
My problem is that my scale is broken. Not one in a million is going to hit it big like Suzanne Collins. Ah, love that Katniss.
So I have ego problems. Yeah, who knew?
The punch line to all of this is that I have to claim my victories and celebrate even my smallest successes. Every day that I write, or sell, or market, or read the loops and try to contribute, that is a success for a guy like me. Guys like me quit and sit on bar stools and dream about doing wonderful things but then run away when it gets too hard.
Once again, the secret is to enter into the struggle and enjoy what you can. But I do feel very lucky to have such nice writers around to support me.
Well said, Aaron! You’re living your dream. It might not be exactly like you thought it would be – BUT, you’re what hundreds – nay, thousands – want to be = A published author.
And you’re totally an A+ student in my book 
Aaron– number one–you will never be a failure. Number two–you will never sit quietly on any barstool. Numbers three and four–“quit” and “run away” are not in your vocabulary.
So there.
Sasha Summers. I heart you.
Okay, sitting on a bar stool, being the loudmouths on the inside, the quiet coward on the inside. Tears of a clown, baby. Thanks Jeanne!
You are a success. Any one who stands up to failure is making it happen. Besides, you got published. That’s an A in anyone’s book!
Love that anyone who stands up to failure is making it happen. Thanks so much for the words of encouragement and support. And the grins.
I just love this post Aaron. And it was a great time for me to read it, too. Thanks!
Aaron, what a wonderful and insightful post. I’m so happy we got to chat this weekend and I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other again. Also, I think books can start slow and then take off from there…yours will certainly be one!
“Once again, the secret is to enter the struggle” Brilliant!
I read “Angelfall”. You would really like it.
Thanks Darlene! Welcome to the brilliance! Angelfall. I’ll check it out.
A great post that I needed to hear right now. Just listen to the voice that says “you’re awesome!” ignore any others!
Amen to that, my friend. Amen to that.