Mondays Are Hell – The Demons I Met at the 2012 RT Book Lovers Convention

Demons were everywhere at the 2012 RT Book Lover Convention, no really, the place was full of them, smoking, dripping hellfire, eating Chicago-deep dish, and at the bar, oh lord, at the bar, drinking cranberry juice before heading out onto the dance floor to wiggle it with LMFAO…

“I’m a demon and I know it!”

Here are just some of the demons and devils I met at RT.


Embrace the Blond

Of course, I have to start with the blonde demon that captured my heart, the blonde demon that is Elizabeth Cheryl.  Actually, she was a demon, but then a Wiccan priestess cast a spell and transformed her into an angel.  She’s my BFF at RT until the end of the world and beyond.  I heart her so much.


And then, this one time, at RT, I was in the big Saturday Book Fair, and demons were everywhere, but then Kathryn Falk walked in, the woman who started RT, and the demons took one look at her and fled because she is the personification of power, poise, grace and has been in the book business a long time.  And once you’ve wrestled with authors, reviewers, agents, editors, readers, and aspiring writers, well, demons are easy after all that.

Being a writer is sometimes like walking through hell.  Lucky I have friends.  Jeanne C. Stein and Jodi Thomas were at RT.  They help me with the demons.  And they’re bestselling authors.

Kendaaron. Oui.

Hey!  Is that Kendall Gray?  It is Kendall Gray!. SHE WRITES BOOKS ABOUT WHALES!  Whales, elementals, brave battles to save the world.  With her brassy humor and her hard-girl bravado, well, I thought she was possessed by a demon at first because her hair was green, and green-haired demons are common in Chicago.  But then, when she talked about her book, and how passionate she is about whales and life, well, I knew, she was another angel, and green-haired angels are common in my books.


We’re Kendaaron when we’re together.  Kind of a big deal.


Ciara Knight had a hard time with a demon for a minute, but then she pulled through.  Writers conferences are all about laughing, crying, and the bar, oh lord, the bar.




Lynn Rush, Kendall Grey, Jordan K. Rose, Cole Gibson

And Cole Gibson, who is awesome, also had a run-in with a demon, and it was hard, but this world can get hard, and  we’re just writers trying to make it through another day to string words together on a page.  Which Cole does so well.

And then Liz Pelletier, who is cool and calm, stared down a demon at the bar.  Liz is one of the co-founders of Entangled Press, and we chatted.  All the while, she stared down that demon until it slithered off.  She is a warrior.

Liz In The Middle

Mark Johnson, who has a CD out, and who was a cover model, well, we talked God, Jesus, demons and he bore witness to his beliefs and I haven’t heard a good testimony in awhile, and it felt good.  Like walking in a clean, spring rain, warm with summer.  I hope he reads my book.  I’d like to talk to that guy about it.

 Lori Witt.  Lori, Lori, Lori.  Lori doesn’t believe in demons.  She believes in working hard, writing books, and living in Omaha.  Believe me, it takes faith to live in Omaha.  We talked and she turned out to be incredibly quotable.  “I don’t like flesh people”.  Ha!  And, “Writers are expected to be rock stars, but they’re designed to be roadies.”  Except for me.  I am the rock star writer of the 21st century.  Hmm, the balding rock star writer of the 21st century.

Karina Cooper, well, she and I found a dirigible built for two, and we rocketed around the convention center, killing demons with ether pistols, and she drove and worked the gun, and I kept her and the furnace loaded, and we both killed tons of demons until we ran out of coal and crashed.  And when we walked from the wreckage, we pulled off our smoke-blackened goggles, sang heroic Abney Park songs until the hotel staff shushed us.  It was epic.  Epically steampunk!

And do you know who brought us tea after the crash and shushing?  Suzanne Lazear.  It was Earl Grey.  Hot.

You’d think my conversation with Lori Perkins, High Priestess of Ravenous Romance, would be fraught with demons.   Sexy demons who sparkle.  Nope.  Our conversation was spicy, but very real, and demons don’t like reality.  They prefer illusion and deception, and our conversation was anything but that.  She’s another warrior of the industry who understands a thing or two about life and love.

I got possessed by a demon.  I stole Hildie McQueen’s awesome green clickable sharpie.  I owe her one.  I am going to buy a box of them.  But keep the green one.  Because I got possessed by a demon.  Hildie had the brightest smile and best laugh at RT.

Hildie McQueen

Heather Savage, who is the editor-in-chief at Staccato Press, came up to me and told me she was a rogue demon hunter.  I asked her, “What’s a rogue demon?”  She slapped me.  Then returned to slaying demons.  Which is prolly a lot like editing.

Heather Savage and Two Rogue Demons



Jordan K. Rose

Jordan K. Rose tolerated my demoness, which I’m grateful for.  I needed kindness and Jordan was kind.




For the most part, it’s too cold in Canada for demons, but Joanne Brothwell proves that all Canadians have a little evil in them.  She fought to sign books, and she sold books, and she wooed everyone and she walked around RT red hot.  She has a nice smile as well, but if you look closely, you’ll see a little demon when she smiles.

Joanne, A Fairy Demon, A Blonde Demon

I talked with Kayla Perrin, Naomi James, and Mimi Tremont and we talked about how the demons of history can haunt us.  I had a lovely conversation with them all and I’m a better man for it.  If you haven’t gotten out of your zip code in a while, it’s time to go across town and shop at a different store for a change.  Demons look for people who hide in their homes.  Demons love the stagnant and close-minded.

Clay and Susan Griffith, who write steampunk vampire books, talked to me and encouraged me.  I needed it.  I go despairing sometimes.

For a long time, people thought women were demons.  I know, weird, huh?  They even burned some.  I talked with Delilah Marvelle and Maure Clairmont about the 19th century, sexual oppression, dark gothic romance, and lesbian prostitution in post-apocalyptic America.  We agreed.  People can get a little kooky about sex.

For a long time I thought all book bloggers were possessed by the Devil.  I mean, reviewing books and crucifying writers?  Sounds like demon work to me.  But talking with Jackie Morgan and Rayna Scherer, I realized book bloggers love books.  Simple as that.  Can’t be too evil if you love books.  I mean, you can, but it takes work.

Two Women.  Cropped.  I feel snark coming on.

Cecily White and I have a love/hate relationship.  I love her.  She hates me.  The demon who made me steal Hildie McQueen’s pen makes me tell that joke over and over and over at the conference.  Cecily just smiled, snarked it up, which made me love her even more.  Which made her hate me even more.  It’s a good setup.  I think I took a picture with her and Noelle Pierce, but I’m not 100% sure.


Jenna Barton sold a book at the conference.  Which proves that even though there were some demons at RT, there were also the angels of God blessing us all.  Especially erotica writers because God loves sex.  Why do you think He/She/It/They give it to us in the first place?

Jenna? Yes. Sold!

So yes, lots of demons, angels, drama, tears and laughter.  RT was the most satisfying writers conference I have ever been to as a published author and I will keep going back there until I die.  And then I want my ashes scattered there.  I know I missed a ton of people I talked to, and I feel bad for that, so if you feel slighted, next year in Kansas City, you get a free punch.

Thanks for the camaraderie, friendship, support, and love.  Hugs, cuddles, and kisses to you all.

Or was that too girly?  Okay, gotta butch it up.  Beer, football, and grunting to all, and to all a good night.



Heavenly Fridays – Angel in a Corner – J.D. Watts Presents!

So, here I am, looking for cool people to follow on Twitter, and I come across a woman, J.D. Watts, who is writing angel books. And I pause. Oh yes, I pause. And I realize, I should ask her to guest blog. But she doesn’t know me. I could be Lucifer, trying to tempt her (who says I’m not, bwa-ha-ha), but I want to live a life of courage and risk, so I emailed and asked her to guest blog. She agreed. And the rest is this blog right here, right now.

J.D. has always been a writer, always dreaming and thinking of ideas for stories or plotlines, she just never sat down and put pen to paper until the fall of 2008. Eventually she gathered her courage to enter the first part of her original novel into the 2010 Original Fiction Contest at The Writer’s Coffee Shop. That story won the young adult category and led to her contract for the first novel in her Children of Creation series: Convergence.

I was raised in church and reading the Bible, so I was always curious about angels. To be honest though, what really piqued my interest was an event that happened when I was young. It’s practically family legend now. I’ve heard the story so many times that I feel like I remember it, but I don’t have a first-hand memory of the event since I was only two. The little details of the story, however, are at the heart and soul of the concepts of angels, fallen angels, and guardian angels that I used in my Children of Creation book series.

Even to this day, 31 years later, my mom still shivers a little when she tells the story.

When I was little, my dad was an over-the-road truck driver and was gone more than he was home. Mom and I got used to being on our own and handling most situations. One day, we were getting ready to run errands. Mom was rushing me to put on my shoes and head out when I stopped. I kept staring at this one corner of our living room. There was nothing of interest there to stare at, and yet I seemed spellbound.

My mom called for me to stop messing around and get in the car, but I wouldn’t budge. Finally, she walked over to me and asked me what I was staring at and I pointed and said, “The man in the corner.”

My Mom looked in the corner and saw nothing. “What are you talking about? There’s nothing there, baby.”

As serious as could be, I looked up at her and said. “Yes there is, Mommy. Can’t you see him? He’s all white.”

Mom said chills went down her spine and she just couldn’t really deal with what I was saying. She just sort of made a joke of it. She told me to stop being so silly and pulled me by the hand out the door, but it really disturbed her. She kept thinking about everything that happened and how serious I was, and yet I wasn’t frightened at all. We really don’t know for sure, especially since I don’t remember it happening at all, but we’ve often wondered if I wasn’t seeing an angel in our midst. Every night in our prayers, Mom always asked God to send his angels to watch over us. Maybe, just maybe, he’d answered her…

With a story like this in my history, not to mention my upbringing, I don’t think it’s all that surprising that once I sat down to write a story of my own design it ended up being about a teenager who could see angels when others couldn’t. I really enjoyed making my lead character, Dani, an embodiment of that little girl who saw someone in our house that nobody else could see…only, unlike two-year-old me, she was charged with a mission.


J.D’s website
On twitter
On Goodreads
Buy Convergence on Amazon

Heavenly Fridays – Angels Are Puppets – Giles Hash Guests

I asked Giles Hash, aspiring writer and warrior, to guest blog about angels and he was reticient.  Of course, that meant I had to get him to do it.  But he battled back against me, saying that he had nothing to say about angels.  Well, then he launched into an interesting diatribe which you are about to read, and I snapped my fingers and said, “Dude, write down what you just said!”  He agreed and the rest is history.  If you want more from Giles Hash, and you will, here is his blog.  Take it away Giles!

* * *

Angels are puppets:

I grew up in an Evangelical Church. I’ve always believed that angels exist, and that a loving Creator sends them to protect us in times of need. But I was also taught that angels have no free will. They exist to serve their Master and are incapable of defying Him. I don’t know where that came from, and in all of my theological study, I have no reference to back that up, but the impression was made. And it stuck. (Okay, so they were given ONE choice before Earth came into existence, and that resulted in Lucifer’s rebellion.)

What does that mean to me as a reader and a writer? That angels are boring. They’re puppets without motivation. They can’t learn, feel, or choose to do something that makes the world a better or worse place. As a result, suspending my disbelief while reading books about angels is difficult. I believe I read a book or two where that was possible, but I can’t remember any titles, which means it wasn’t very well-written.

As I get older, and as I learn to enjoy broader styles of writing, this is less of an obstacle, but it still exists. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t get offended by these books. I don’t even have any type of negative opinion reserved for them. I simply don’t BELIEVE them, and for me that’s a big deal. I want to get sucked into a novel. I want my imagination stimulated by stories that make me think, “It would be SO COOL to be there!”

I honestly don’t know if this is a roadblock for anyone with a similar background (though I know a few people who get angry at the idea that angels are portrayed “inaccurately”). But it’s something that influences my reading decisions.

* * *

Thanks so much Giles!  I love conflicting ideas because life is one big donut of paradoxes and rainbow sprinkles.  Spirited debate makes the flowers grow.

And for the record, THE NEVER PRAYER, in my debut novel, my angels and demons shatter the mold, but of course, y’all knew that.