Do You Feel LUCKY, Little Boy?

I really liked the character of Longshot from the X-Men comics. Now, I didn’t understand the whole mutants-from-another-dimension thing, but I love the idea that my genes are situated in such a way that I’m just lucky.

Goes back to the whole, if I could have any mutant ability, what would it be? I’d say Luck.

I’m iffy on the will of God. I gotta say. But I do believe fully in luck. Take for example, my short, undramatic love life. Whenever I met a girl, I always felt lucky. Like, no seriously, there’s the phrase “Get lucky” for a reason. I’d be out, at a party, whatever, and suddenly, I’m talking with a girl, a real live girl, one who breathes and everything. Oh, wow!

Jobs, lucky. Writing, lucky. Finding a penny, lucky.

But is there luck, or is there putting yourself in the right place at the right time? Of being in the world, and paying attention to the gifts we are given? Take for example, the penny. If you never leave your house, you won’t find the shiny penny on the street. You might in your couch cushions, but does that count? I mean, it’s your penny after all. Or prolly is, depending on how much time you spend on Craigslist buying ghetto couches.

I spent most of my youth, my wild, misspent youth, watching TV. It’s hard to meet girls when you’re watching TV in the basement. No, seriously. Only one time did a super model come to my door, asking for me. Kidding. That never happened. Well, the girl next door came by, and she was hot, but that’s another story.

So get off the couch. Go outside. Look for pennies. Look for chicks. Go out into the world. Pay attention. And you just might get lucky. Maybe not Longshot lucky, but it’s better than the alternative.

Being alone. Feeling unlucky. Watching Little House on the Prairie.

Oh, Laura!